Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Flipping Pad : a new social network for real estate agents.


The Flipping Pad
is a new social network for those involved in real estate, at pretty much every level of involvement.

Within this community are areas to post properties for sale or others that are of commercial interest in one way or another. You can also create a user profile, find other members to conduct business with, or join in a forums discussion to share thoughts about the industry. The listings seem to be the life blood of this site, and you can leave comments and ratings for each listing. The “pads” listed here have accompanying icons indicating if the property is a case study listing, if it’s looking for partners, if it’s a potential bargain, and if it’s actively for sale. As one would imagine, a large amount of the user interaction takes place around these listings.

User profiles will also display their listings as well as their forums comments, and in the forums, there is the ability to subscribe to a particular user’s thread if you’d like to keep up with them. There’s no way to send direct messages between users, or add them as friends.

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